In this article, I will be suggesting a new ship for the game “World of Warships” that would replace the Friesland.
The types of u.s. navy ships ww2 is a suggestion for the replacement of the Friesland in the game, World War II Online.
In my earlier article on seeking a substitute for Friesland as a tier 9 European premium, I recommended the HSwMS Uppland (J17) and attempted to balance her appropriately. However, modeling her would take a long time, so I dug a bit further into the other ship I described in that article, the refurbished version of HSwMS Hälsingland (J23), the final ship of the stergötland-class and the last destroyer constructed by the Swedish Navy.
So let’s have a look at Hälsingland and see what she has to offer, as well as why I think she’ll be a lot simpler to implement than Uppland.
She was equipped with fewer 40 mm L/70 cannons than the other ships in the class, with just 5 single mounts. So she never had the midship mounts behind the bridge, just two in front of the superstructure and three in front of the rear turret on the aft bridge, all of which can be seen in the photo. She also had 2 x 3 533 mm torpedo launchers, indicating that the 2 x 4 we have in the tech tree is an unhistorical variant that was only ever used on the Halland-class.So why did I choose the Hälsingland refit in 1963? Since it is a method to distinguish her from the tech tree stergötland because the refit consisted of replacing the 2 x 3 torpedo launchers on the main deck with a 1 x 6 launcher, thus increasing the ship’s stability. She also had a 1 x 4 surface-to-air missile launcher (Robot 07 / SeaCat) installed in one of her 40 mm L/70 stations on the aft bridge.
Implementation in-game:

15.800 HP
120 mm/50 M1942 main armament 2 pieces 2 pcs 2 pcs 2 pcs 2 p Time to reload: 2.3 seconds 10 kilometer range
533 mm 1 x 6 pieces torpedoes M1947 Mod. 1 Torped 10.700 dollars in damages Speed: 86 kts Range: 15 km Time to reload: 120 seconds
M1942 AA: 120 mm/50 2 pieces 2 pcs 2 pcs 2 pcs 2 p 70 DPS Range: 6.0 kilometers
M1948 40 mm L/70 4 pcs 1 pcs 1 pcs 1 pcs 1 p 190 DPS Range: 3.5 kilometers
1 × 4 pieces Robot 07 6.9 km DPS: 0 DPS: 0 DPS: 0 DPS: 0 DPS
6 + 2 Flak Explosions 1.890 damage from flak 6.9 kilometer range
Maneuverability: 35 kilometers per hour 610 m turning circle 3.7 second rudder shift
Concealment: 7.39 km of surface, 3.29 km of air
Consumables: Party in charge of damage control Repair the party three times (HP/s: +1%, Actiontime: 14 s, Cooldown: 80 s) × 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 (Actiontime: 30 s, Dispersion: 70 s, Cooldown: 100 s) 3 x Torpedo Reload Booster (5 s reload, 180 s reload)
Conclusion: As the sistership of the stergötland, she will match her tech tree counterpart on many points, but what will set her apart is her ability to send 12 pcs of Halland torpeodoes into the water every 180 seconds if she so desires, as well as her ability to use the versatile “Pan-Asian” smoke screen, which will allow her to play more around the objectives than her tech tree counterpart. I chose to utilize the quad-launcher as a bonus to her flak, boosting the 3 + 1 on the stergötland to 6 + 2 by having each Robot 07 count as a single flak, with increased damage but zero DPS, since both the Ise and Hood used AA-rockets as part of their AA-armaments.
So, why did I refer to this as “the simple way”? Because all WG has to do to add Hälsingland to the game is take the model of the stergötland and replace the 2 x 3 torpedo launchers with a deck mounted 1 x 6 launcher and one 40 mm L/70 launcher with a 1 x 4 Robot 07 launcher, exactly as the Swedish navy did.

They must also replace the remaining 4 x 1 pieces 40 mm L/70 with the closed model now used on the in-game model of Smland, and voila, WG has created a new tier 9 premium ship with little work.
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The list of us navy ships in ww2 is a suggestion to replace the Swedish province Friesland with the Swedish province Hälsingland. It will be easier for players to create a European T9 Premium account, as well as make it easier for players to find their way around Sweden.